I Germogli Coop.

About the wine estate


8.08 EUR
0,75 l bottle(s)
Il Ricercato:   Ottenuto da uve Barbera Croatina e Uva Rara  scelte e selezionate in  vendemmia dopo una  macerazione sulle bucce medio lunga, una parte viene affinato in botti di rovere e una parte in acciaio, colore rubino intenso fruttato con sentori leggeri di legno solo a fine bicchiere. Rosso fermo.

The Refined: Obtained from Barbera Croatina and Uva Rara grapes chosen and selected during the harvest after a medium-long maceration on the skins, a part is aged in oak barrels and a part in steel, intense fruity ruby ​​color with light hints of wood only at the end glass. Still red.
  • Price for 1L: 10.78 EUR
  • Type of wine: Red
  • Grape: Barbera, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Wine styles: Medium-bodied red
  • Wine specifics: Natural wine
  • Alcohol %: 14
  • Volume, ml: 750
  • Vintage: NON VINTAGE
  • Suggested for meat: Poultry, White meat, Vegetarian
  • Suggested for cooking type:

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